HI-TEMP PRODUCTS CO INC. was started by H.P. Wemmer in 1951 with 7 products H.P. formulated, manufactured in his home garage and sold in the Omaha NE area, small towns outside Omaha and Iowa.
A couple product names which we still use today are Crystal Glaze and Fine Finish.
Formulas where changed to keep up with new paint technology and different paint systems, as they came into play on new vehicles throughout the years.
H.P. Wemmer retired in 1965 and Ralph his son, bought the company expanding the product line to 35 products in 1976. Ralph developed the first solvent /silicone based Tire dressing, HT-10 Grape Dressing that was a big hit with customers and Tidy Car franchisees. Ralph was shipping to about 250 franchises across the USA and foreign countries in the mid 1970's. I came back into the company in 1983 (Robert) after working for my Dad, (Ralph) in the late 1960's and early 1970's but had to fulfill my US Army obligations. Upon returning to the company I started re- formulating existing products and developing new additions to the line of 70 plus products to date. I pride myself on quality products not watered down cheaper versions. My prices are higher but the quality speaks for itself. Our compounds, scratch levelers, sealants and waxes buff easily with long working times, takes less product to get the job done, DO NOT fling splatter or create a lot of chalking or dust. Cleanup, labor and less product usage is kept to a minium which increases your profits. Our All purpose cleaners, window cleaner, and much of our water based product line is highly concentrated for water dilution that increases your profits. You may pay more but get more useable gallons that still actually work after dilution which decreases you product cost in the long run.
This Company has always been built on QUALITY PRODUCTS with market fair prices for what you receive in our product line compared to competitive products and we have no problem competing with the competition! We had many US, different State distributors selling our Hi-Temp Product line from coast to coast, but had a greedy Manager that embezzled over a 1/2 million dollars right under my partents noses in their mid to late 80's at that time. As a result we lost many, but the loyal distributors stayed with us and have continued to sell our quality product line. My folks have gone to heaven and I am bringing this family owned business back to life once again!